Consultant - Tobacco Control

Date Posted: Nov. 23, 2022, 6:22 a.m.

World Health Organization

Job Description

Purpose of consultancy

To provide technical guidance on the alternative livelihoods to the tobacco growing initiative and sustainable financing for tobacco control, as well as guidance for the scale-up and launch of digital solutions for tobacco cessation.


Deliverable 1 – Contribute to the implementation and scale-up of the alternative livelihoods to tobacco growing initiative. Expected by 31 December 2023.

  • 1.1: Liaise with all lead partnering agencies (WHO, FAO, WFP) at all three levels of the organization as well as other multi-sectoral partners and private sector players to ensure timely delivery of activities according to workplan
  • 1.2: Coordinate high-level meetings and missions to field sites in collaboration with the country teams to facilitate implementation of activities that involve partners at global, regional and country level
  • 1.3: Develop workplans, timelines and budgets in collaboration with partners, monitor progress and develop reports for project leadership
  • 1.4: Provide technical guidance for the scoping and engagement of new partners, particularly in the microfinance, nutrition, environment and gender sectors.

Deliverable 2 – Contribute to the development of a report on sustainable financing options for tobacco control. Expected by Oct 31, 2023.

  • 2.1: Gather international experiences from countries that have successfully implemented licensing fees, polluter pays principle, environmental tax, social impact bonds and more to generate sustainable resources for financing tobacco control
  • 2.2: Coordinate the analysis of those experiences and their replicability in other countries.
  • 2.3: Facilitate knowledge sharing of the findings, including through development of a report and coordination of multi-country workshops.

Deliverable 3 – Provide technical guidance for the scale-up and launch of digital tools for tobacco cessation. Expected by 31 October 2023.

  • 3.1: Coordinate the marketing and scale-up of existing digital solutions for tobacco cessation, including the chatbots on WhatsApp, Viber and Facebook Messenger, as well as Florence (WHO’s AI digital health worker).
  • 3.2: Facilitate engagement with new partners under the WHO Tobacco Cessation Consortium to develop new digital solutions for tobacco cessation.
  • 3.3: Coordinate the implementation of the tobacco cessation app assessment framework and validation process.
  • 3.4: Provide technical guidance for activities to iterate and improve digital solutions for tobacco cessation, including through testing of content libraries, audience segmentation and tailoring of content to specific markets. 

Qualifications, experience, skills and languages

Educational Qualifications:


  • First university degree in public health, or related field.


  • Advanced university degree in Public Health and/or International Development, or related field.



  • 5-10 years of relevant experience working in public health or related field.
  • Practical technical experience in supporting Member States or WHO or any other relevant intergovernmental / non-governmental organization on tobacco control.  
  • Experience in project coordination in low- and middle-income settings.


  • Working experience with WHO or any other UN organization.


  • Strong project coordination skills.
  • Knowledge of health, environmental, and economic aspects of tobacco growing.
  • Understanding of stakeholders and support needed to establish an enabling crop production and marketing ecosystem to shift tobacco farmers to alternative crops. 
  • Ability to engage and coordinate multi-sectoral partners in the health and related sectors.
  • Knowledge of the ecosystem of digital tools for tobacco cessation and relevant players in the digital sector.
  • Sound interpersonal and communication skills.

How To Apply

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